Friday, April 5, 2013

Super(hero) Easter

On our last Easter with 2 boys, we celebrated with superheroes! The egg kit was Avengers themed and included lots of stickers (Captain America, Iron Man, Spider-Man, and Wolverine). The boys had a lot of fun dyeing eggs this year. To my surprise, they also really like eating hard boiled eggs. Our first egg hunt was with my moms group Tri-City Tikes. Each kid was supposed to get 12 eggs. I helped Benny and Alan went on his own. He still needs a little work on his counting skills. He ended up with 15 eggs. Whoops! Then over the weekend, we went to the St Charles Park District Easter Egg Hunt as a family. Alan decided the boys should wear ties :) So they looked very handsome hunting for their eggs. It was really well run and there were plenty of eggs for everyone that braved the cold. No neighborhood hunt this year. I didn't feel like organizing one and apparently no one else did either. Maybe next year! The boys hunted for eggs at our house Easter morning and found their baskets from the bunny filled with books, monster trucks (including Alan's favorite El Toro Loco), some wrestling figures, and balls. Daddy and mommy collaborated to make bunny pancakes for breakfast. Then we headed up to Grandma & Grandpa Flanagan's for an outdoor hunt with cousin Kassidy and a few more cute baskets filled with way too much candy (which of course the boys didn't mind at all).

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Friend Thanksgiving

Since we weren't hosting for our families this year, we decided to host a gathering with friends. It was potluck style and guests were encouraged to try a new recipe out. We did the turkey and ham (which are easy peasy) and made the standard stuffing but also tried a Mexican corn dish. There was so much food and everything was delicious! I went crazy implementing Pinterest ideas! I had framed Subway art, a veggie "turkey" platter, a fruit "turkey" platter, an apple "turkey" platter, Oreo "turkeys" for the kids, pilgrim hat cookies, blessing bags, and a Thanksgiving story bracelet. So fun!

It's Electric!

We started a new family tradition and took the boys to the St Charles Electric Parade. It was really festive with lighted floats, horse drawn sleigh, high school marching bands, and fun hand outs. Who wouldn't want to ride on a decked out school bus?

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Yankee Doodle Dandy

Our neighborhood holds an annual Yankee Doodle Bike Parade for the kids. Last year we were the new kids on the block and I didn't really know what to expect. This year I was way more prepared and dec'd out the boys rides. Bennett's buggy is classic Americana and Alan's bike is flashy Americana.

 Gathering before the parade kicks off!

The police escort

Brad and Bennett being patriotic

 The red, white and blue drink turned out super cute!

And some festive pretzels :)

Saturday, May 5, 2012

When you've tried everything...

One thing I have not enjoyed about raising children is potty training. For years, I heard people say girls learn earlier than boys. I now have a three and a half year old that has not mastered number two on the potty. I've tried all sorts of bribe and reward systems with no success. I let myself get really frustrated about it and take a break (aka give up) for a while only to start back up (usually when a younger friend starts wearing underwear or a 4 year old girl makes fun of me for changing his diapers). Recently my 18 month old has shown an interest in the potty! So my perplexed brain ever trying to figure out what motivates Alan, wondered if jealousy or some friendly competition from a little brother would work.

Here's the attempt

I loudly announced that I was going to get my camera to take a picture of Benny on the potty and send it to daddy at work. And Alan joined in and got his Leap Pad with a camera to take pictures too. Backfire! In fact, Alan cheered the loudest when we realized that Benny had actually pooped a little tiny bit while on the potty! Any way, after not blogging for ages I thought it would be fun to start again with a chuckle :)

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Touch a Truck

I joined a group through to meet some moms and tots in our new town. I'm so glad that I did! I tend to have a little social anxiety and get nervous meeting new people. Never feel like I think of anything clever to say and agonize over what the kids and I should wear. I love to search the internet for fun places to explore, find delicious new recipes to try, cute crafts to do, etc. However, I often feel like I waste time looking for things to do that we could actually be out doing things. So this mother's group is great because there are currently 39 moms that all host events throughout the year and I love to see all their different ideas. I'm looking forward to a fun (and busy summer - more on that later)!!!

Touch a truck was a HUGE hit! Best of all it was a FREE event :)

Big yellow truck with a snow plow

Sitting in the truck and playing with the radio = PRICELESS :)

A big red fire truck

Alan standing on the front of the fire truck

Alan would NOT let the firefighter put him in the truck.

I would totally buy ice cream from this cute boy!

Hopefully his first and LAST time sitting in a police car.

Prize for the coolest vehicle goes to.... Oscar Mayer Wiener mobile!!!

Best part of going to an event with other moms - actually getting to be IN a picture with your child!

We couldn't have asked for a better day - the weather was absolutely gorgeous!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Keeping busy at sea

About a year ago we took a two week cruise from Sydney to New Zealand. I never blogged about our trip and shortly after found out we were returning to the States. The day we left for our cruise we had a positive pregnancy test. I felt great on our "holiday" in NZ but the morning sickness set in when we returned. I can hardly believe how much has happened since I left off blogging. Lots to update. Will try to do better. May have to jump around a little. Lots of drafts saved and many more to come.

We thought we'd be down under for two to three years. Instead we only had 10 months. For the first six months, we didn't use any vacation time. Then the first big vacation we took wasn't even in Australia. Go figure! We'll certainly go back to explore more.

Daddy and Alan sinking putts!

Cute little napkin mouse from Primo

The pool.

Alan working on his tan after a chocolate milkshake

Being a silly boy!


Alan helping with the champagne waterfall!