One thing I have not enjoyed about raising children is potty training. For years, I heard people say girls learn earlier than boys. I now have a three and a half year old that has not mastered number two on the potty. I've tried all sorts of bribe and reward systems with no success. I let myself get really frustrated about it and take a break (aka give up) for a while only to start back up (usually when a younger friend starts wearing underwear or a 4 year old girl makes fun of me for changing his diapers). Recently my 18 month old has shown an interest in the potty! So my perplexed brain ever trying to figure out what motivates Alan, wondered if jealousy or some friendly competition from a little brother would work.
Here's the attempt
I loudly announced that I was going to get my camera to take a picture of Benny on the potty and send it to daddy at work. And Alan joined in and got his Leap Pad with a camera to take pictures too. Backfire! In fact, Alan cheered the loudest when we realized that Benny had actually pooped a little tiny bit while on the potty! Any way, after not blogging for ages I thought it would be fun to start again with a chuckle :)