Yesterday was Australia Day! So repeat after me "Ozzie Ozzie Ozzie, Oi Oi Oi". Brad decided to work so his back ups could take the day off. Although this did not go over well with the Aussie that is currently training with him. But it works well for us because he'll get a lieu day to use the day we leave for our cruise to New Zealand.
Alan and I tagged along with the Martin's to a picnic at Stanwell Park with friends from church. It was a scorcher of a day as they say. Poor Alan was sweating sitting in the shade! To cool off, I changed him into his togs (swimsuit) and headed for the beach. The scenery was gorgeous but the waves were too rough for little bubs to play in the water. I was amazed how many people were at the beach and park! It reminded me of the 4th of July.
When daddy got home from work, we walked to the carnival in Miranda. There were several rides and bounce houses that Alan is not quite ready for yet. Next year for sure. Admittedly, I had some concerns about the safety. I'm sure it was probably the same at the Lake County Fair when I was a kid but I never noticed. Some rides were jacked up on blocks to make them level but to an older more conservative eye they didn't look all that sturdy. I should have snapped a picture then you could be the judge for yourself. The night ended with my absolute favorite - FIREWORKS!