Thursday, January 21, 2010

Go Cubs Go?

We've had our Cubs season tickets since 2003. I thought it would be such a treat to get them for Brad just that one year as a Anniversary/Birthday/Christmas present (literally covering all my bases). Well talk about the gift that keeps on giving. Those stinking things keep coming back every year. Now that we're in Australia (don't know when we're coming back or where we'll be living when we do) we finally thought it was time to let them go. Even though there's supposedly a waiting list of nearly 120,000 which would almost fill the stadium three times. And they no longer offer our nights and weekend package with parking so we're grandfathered in. We thought for sure when we didn't pay our invoice by January 8th that they would be GONE FOREVER. We must be meant to keep those DARN tickets because they sent us a reminder email. So now it's back on the table and forces us to make the decision AGAIN. We have NO will power when it comes to these lovable losers. It's so hard to say goodbye...

Our last Cubs game before leaving for Australia
Alan sporting a super cute beanie made by our neighbor Holly
Another Holly creation (thank goodness they stretch to fit all head sizes)

1 comment:

Ashley said...

So what did you decide?! What a cute family!!! :)